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01/08/2025 1:24 PM | Anonymous


In Ammoland, David Codrea makes some suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions for gun owners.  Below are a few and, in some cases, SCOPE added some of our thoughts on them.

I will know my representatives: state representatives; congresspersons and U.S. Senator.  Do you know how to contact them on gun bills and more?

I will write letters to the editor: Do you see something gun-related in the newspaper spreading misinformation? Keep things on topic, resist the urge to morph from wit into insults, and make sure to adhere to posted word limits to increase the chance yours will be published.  (SCOPE will help you if you have a draft.)

I will join a gun rights group: Gun owners can benefit from keeping apprised of bills, lawsuits, and politicians to oppose and support.  Network/attend events with like-minded shooters and activists (If you are reading this, you probably already are in SCOPE but most SCOPE members are in more than one group.)

I will take a new person shooting: With an emphasis on safety and they will learn that it’s fun!  (And I’ll bet you will do some shooting, yourself.)

I will read Second Amendment books:  Codrea urges you to purchase some – the people who do the work to bring them to us deserve to eat, too.

See if your library carries them and inquire if they don’t.  (The library has to purchase them too and I get most of my reading material through the library and with the money I save I can buy more guns!)

I will support legal actions/court cases protecting the right to keep and bear arms: (SCOPE investigates and supports lawsuits.)

I will spread the word: If you come across something you think helps advance your interests, spend one minute letting others know about it — because that’s the only way to escape the leftist echo chamber. Share the links. If you’re on social media, “like” and especially “share” the link on Facebook or tweet/retweet it on Twitter/X.

I will attend a gun show: Here’s a fun one that shouldn’t be too difficult to make or to keep, and this one is important because it can help reinforce that we’re hardly alone, and the good fellowship is restorative. Also, note how peaceably everyone is behaving.

I will boycott an anti-gun company: The only effort required here is to find an alternative, and while it’s not practical for all products and services, the ones it is feasible to avoid are the ones that can feel it the most. Just supplement it with one thing: Let them know.

I will buy a gun: (Do you really need a resolution to do this?)

I will give my children a development-appropriate education about guns: Teaching is a fundamental parental responsibility.  (And they won’t get this in school!)

I will verify emails about gun-related bills with a credible source: It’s tough enough getting gun owners to respond to real threats or opportunities without frivolously mobilizing and alarming them, wasting everybody’s time and energy on distortions and non-issues.  (SCOPE’s emails try to keep you informed on real issues.)

I will attend a public demonstration in support of the Second Amendment: Bearing in mind caveats about avoiding trouble and crowds, and J6-style set-ups, showing judicious public solidarity with freedom advocates at rallies and the like is essential.

I will vote: Sometimes the obvious is the easiest to miss.

NYS Assembly
NYS Senate
NYS Congressional Reps    

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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