The Time Has Come for SCOPE Members to Do More by John Elwood
Presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden has a history of restricting gun rights. In 1993, then Senator Biden supported the Brady Handgun Prevention Act and in 1994 he helped pass a 10-year ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines. (The ban was ineffective and not renewed but that lesson has been lost on Biden.)
Presumptive President-Elect Biden’s new administration is planning to propose a significant number of firearms’ legislation including: banning the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high capacity magazines; restricting the number of firearms an individual may purchase to one per month; doing away with the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act” which would result in bankrupting firearms manufacturers with law suits; taxing rifle owners $200 for each rifle and $200 for each high capacity magazine.
It is time for SCOPE members to do more than just attend monthly meetings.
Membership in gun rights organizations like SCOPE is extremely important, especially now, with a liberal administration about to take office. SCOPE membership increased after the SAFE ACT but attendance at monthly meetings remained low, even with the possibility of degradation or loss of our Second Amendment rights. When gun owners were asked why they did not join SCOPE and SCOPE members were asked why they didn’t attend SCOPE meetings, their answer was, basically, “life gets in the way”. Apathy reigned at epidemic levels. With the new administration in Washington, SCOPE members and gun owners no longer have the luxury of apathy and not getting involved. It is not enough for SCOPE members to just attend a month meeting. We must do more.
What must we do?
Individual SCOPE members must get more involved by: reading and studying current and proposed firearms legislation (like S7065/AO 1589A which require the purchaser of any firearm, rifle or shotgun to pass a mental health evaluation); laying out your position on specific firearms legislation to your state and federal legislators and, when needed, traveling to Albany to meet with legislators; helping increase membership by talking to family and friends about joining SCOPE;
If we do not get more involved with NY State firearms legislation, we will lose our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Make a new year’s resolution to become more involved in 2021. Our constitutional right to keep and bear arms may depend on your involvement.