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WCS 5.11.22 Members’ Meeting Minutes

05/19/2022 12:34 PM | Anonymous

Wayne County SCOPE Members’ Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2022

Opening w/15 attendees 7:02 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Minutes from April 13, 2022 Read, seconded and approved with revisions.

Treasurers Report Read, seconded and approved with an April ending balance = $3,080.28.

Treasurer Mark Coleman is requesting an annual audit of finances.  Ken Miller is looking into finding an outsider to perform the audit.

A motion was made, seconded, and approved to reimburse the chairman for the cost of the mounting bracket used to mount the new TV to the north wall of the Legion Post with  permission granted by the Legion Commander, Cliff Walters. 

A motion was made, seconded, and approved to purchase a video camera for Zooming meetings at a price not to exceed $100. 

Raffles and State Banquet: The recent gun raffle netted Wayne County Scope about $500. A Henry .243 was donated by State SCOPE when its winner in the state’s 2021 5-gun raffle declined it in lieu of cash.

Discussion took place as to the number of tickets to order for State SCOPE’s 2022 5-Gun Raffle with prices to be $10 per ticket or 3 tickets for $25.  It was decided to order 100 tickets to start. The chairman will visit each county gun club in an effort to sell raffle tickets. The drawing will be held on September 10 at the SCOPE Banquet to be hosted this year by Genesee County SCOPE and held at Batavia Downs. Ads for the banquet program will be sold, for which the prices have been reduced to make it easier to sell.  We ask that members help in selling these ads. 

Pistol Permit Recertification Information can be found on the NYS SCOPE Webpage – Home Page – Chapter – Wayne County – Chairman’s Corner – Recertification Status.

Donation: The Williamson Conservation & Sporting Club is changing their monthly donation of $125 per month to Wayne County SCOPE to an annual donation of $1,500. This is greatly appreciated.

Committee Volunteerism: A discussion of the committees, time to meet and structure took place.  The committees and chairs are:  Communication (Dave Colburn), Demographics (Bob Brannan), Events (Gary Tucker), Finance (Mark Coleman), Fundraising ( vacant ), Marketing ( vacant) Membership (Penny Gugino),  PACT(Don Smith). Members are asked to join a committee of choice and consider chairing the vacancies. We are considering utilizing a portion of each monthly meeting for these committees to meet. 

Upcoming SCOPE Events:

Williamson Apple Blossom Festival:  May 21, 2022.  Gary Tucker & Peter DeRidder.   Lyons Peppermint Days: July 16, 2022.  Two Volunteers needed.  

Brantling Festival:  July 30, 2022.  Don Smith & (a Volunteer needed).

Wayne County Fair:  August 8 – 13, 2022.  Two Volunteers needed PER DAY. 

Walworth LumberJack Festival: September 10, 2022- Mark Coleman & (a Volunteer needed).

Marion Harvest Days: September 10, 2022 - Ken Miller and (a Volunteer needed).

(Please call Don or Gary if you can volunteer for any of these events)

Legislative Update Discussion of possible development of a state database of residents who have not taken COVID vaccines.

Wayne County Federation meets on the 3rd Tuesday monthly at 7 pm. Meetings are held at the Sodus Bay Sportsmens Club. The chairman attends regularly and attempts to coordinate SCOPE and Federation activities as well as activities sponsored by member clubs of the Federation. Wayne County SCOPE strongly supports Federation activities involving the youth of Wayne County. These include annual hunting, fishing and camping activities.  Members are requested to speak to the chairman if they have an interest in attending any of the Federation meetings.                                                                          

Fund Raising Ideas: Genesee County is unusually active with several of their members accepting leadership roles to facilitate their fundraising activities including: cash raffles; candy bar sales; gun raffle; water glasses and tumblers sales; stein sales; yard sign sales; coin sales; gas card sales.

Primary Voting Redistricting was discussed by Dan Olson is still in the Court of Appeals:  

New district maps will be available Friday, May 20.

State Assembly Primary is June 28, 2022.

State Senate and Congressional District Primary is August 23, 2022.

The Video “Deadly Force in Self Defense: What You Need to Know”, narrated by Massad Ayoob, was shown and discussed. 

SCOPE Board Present Don Smith /Chairman, Mark Coleman /Treasurer; Penny Gugino /Member At Large; Gary Tucker /Member At Large; Cheryl Eberlin /Member at Large (and minutes taker tonight). 

Meeting Closed 8:27 pm

A 2nd Amendment Defense Organization, defending the rights of New York State gun owners to keep and bear arms!

PO Box 165
East Aurora, NY 14052

SCOPE is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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